Secrete of living Up to 100 years

Everyone wants to live forever or perhaps live up to 100years. But as far as we know that it is impossible to live forever, there are people that do live long enough to celebrate their 100 birthday. it is obvious that there is no way these tips will guarantee that you will live to be 100 years old, but they can help you live a better life.

Keeping your brain active is very important as you age. What you love doing most is a great way to stay interested in life, and helps give you something to look forward to, which is also very important. It is believed that good mental attitude is extremely good for health and overall well-being.

It may sound a little bit funny or silly, but simply brushing and flossing is a great way to eliminate nasty bacteria from the mouth that can actually contribute to heart disease and other ailments. Although it is a controversial topic , you may want to consider using toothpaste and other dental products that are fluoride-free, and don't have other potentially harmful additives.

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"All work and No play makes Jack a dull boy" goes the saying. But can as well reduce your lifespan. Plan a vacation trip and spend some time relaxing because life is too short to skip vacations an it might be shorter if you do.
#4.  SLEEP:

Medical researches finds out that getting the proper amount of sleep every night is extremely important. There will be some variation from person to person but expert strongly urge everyone to shoot for between 7 to 8hours of sleep every night


Medical research has found that people who have strong friendships were 50 percent
More likely to live longer lives compared to those who did not. Spending time associating with friends and actually benefit your health. Isolation is not a good thing

                                                           2 stabbed in US


We all know that eating I essential if we want to live, but eating right not only benefits you on a long term, it can also help you live a longer life. You can consider simple things like limiting your intake of sugar, salt and processed "junk" food which is one of the most important things you can do to increase your longevity
As much as much of us will hate to hear the word "EXERCISE" it is an important components to a healthy life and one that lasts as long as possible. There's really no replacements for exercise, so it's something you have to face if you want to live to be 100years old. consider it bonus if you are one of those lucky people that actually enjoys exercise.
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Another contributor of poor health is stressing out too much about things in life. It turns out that stress has a very detrimental affect on health, and although it can be difficult to keep stress under control, it can certainly be done with enough practice, determination and the proper techniques.
#9  QUIT:

Yes, smoking it's what we're talking about, and although there are a very small number of people that smoke for a very long time and still live to see 100, the vast majority of people will dramatically cut their chances of blowing out the candles on that "100" birthday cake if they smoke
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Drinking a moderate amount of alcohol  may actually help improve your health, but there is no question that overdoing it is going to virtually eliminate your chances of living a long life.
Heavy drinking and alcoholism take take very heavy toll on the body, and and cause live diseases and other serious health issues that can put you in the grave well before 100 years old is in sight.

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